Draught Works logo Virgo Beer-O-Scope for Draught Works Brewery in Missoula, MT

Virgo Season Beer-O-Scope

Virgo Beer-O-Scope Flathead Cherry Sour at Draught Works Brewery in Missoula, MTBy Nickolette Lannan

As summer make its descent into fall, there’s a shift that can be felt as the air begins to hold a subtle but familiar crispness, and our gardens flourish in preparation for the impending harvest. Enter Virgo (August 23 – September 22), the season of the virgin goddess Astraea, goddess of justice, innocence, purity and precision.

Like Gemini, Virgo is ruled by the active and energetic planet Mercury which represents intelligence, communication, logic and reason, but unlike the wild, airy and adventurous Gemini, Virgo’s are grounded, rooted in the earth and dedicated to creating order out of chaos.  Virgo’s are doers fueled by their insatiable appetite to analyze, achieve, perfect, plan, know and understand.

Even though Virgos often appear to be calm and authoritative on the outside, internally they tend to be restless, anxious, and nervous. Naturally inclined towards perfection and improvement, Virgos can get distracted by details and are sometimes perceived as being hyper-critical and even cold at times, despite their true motivation to always help and inspire others to be the best version of themselves.

Virgo Season marks the beginning of the harvest, and in ancient times the constellation was depicted as a winged woman holding a sheaf of wheat. Conjure sun-kissed memories of Montana summers gone by, celebrate the Flathead cherry harvest and embrace your inner Virgo earth angel with a beautiful burgundy Flathead Cherry American Sour, made with freshly plucked cherries from the Swanson Orchard.