Draught Works logo Draught Works Wins Best of Missoula

A Toast to Triumph: Draught Works Wins Big in Best of Missoula 23

Draught Works voted Best Brewery in 2023 Best of MissoulaRaise your glasses high, because the moment has arrived for some hop-fueled celebration! The news is out, the votes are in, and we’re bursting at the seams with excitement to share a handful of incredible victories that have graced Draught Works this summer. It’s a toast to triumph, a salute to our beer-loving community, and a hearty clink to the unforgettable brews that have brought us here.

Cheers to Being Crowned the Best Brewery in Missoula!

Can we get a drumroll, please? That’s right, the folks of Missoula have spoken, and the verdict is clear: Draught Works has officially been named the Best Brewery in town for our 6th year straight! Your votes have turned our iconic little brewery paradise into the ultimate beer destination for locals and tourists alike. We’re raising our pints to each and every one of you – our friends, patrons, and fellow beer lovers. Your continued support makes this journey an endless delight!

Long Live the King: Scepter IPA Takes the Throne 

Prepare your IPA-loving palette for a truly royal announcement! Our flagship IPA, the one and only Scepter, has conquered taste buds far and wide and also won the hearts of our community right here in Missoula. The crown for Missoula’s Best Brew once again rests atop Scepter in all of its hoppy glory. We’re not just raising a glass; we’re raising a toast to the ultimate IPA that has Missoula enchanted.

Capturing Hearts and Likes: Placed in Best Local Instagram & First Date Spots 

It’s not just about the brews – our social media game is on point too! We’re thrilled to have made a splash in not one but two categories: Best Local Instagram and Best Place for a First Date proving Draught Works isn’t just about the pints; it’s about our iconic atmosphere, the moments, memories, and the smiles we share together.

A Heartfelt Thank You to You, Missoula!

None of these victories would have been possible without your unwavering support, your thirst for beers and cheers with friends, and your votes. You, our beer-loving community, have made all the difference. Each sip you’ve taken, each cheer you’ve raised, and each story you’ve shared has been our driving force.

As we bask in the glory of these wins, remember we’re not slowing down. In fact, we’re brewing up a storm of new experiences, innovative concoctions, and memorable events. Get ready for even more adventure, more laughter, and more reasons to clink your glasses with our little family. So, here’s to you, Missoula, for making us your choice, your destination, and your beer-loving family. Let’s keep the celebrations going, the pints pouring, and the smiles shining.

With overflowing gratitude,

The Draught Works Team